tattoos pictures of names in cursive
tattoos pictures of names in cursive
tattoos pictures of names in cursive

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years. ~Author unknown, commonly attributed to Mark Twain but no evidence has yet been found for this (Thanks, Garson O'Toole!)
I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
Thank you Shuugo for your consideration, if it came across as such then I apologize, but I was not meaning that the site is being run wrong, far from it. And at the very least, it's not my site to begin with. ~Ogden Nash
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~Lucille Ball
Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. ~Gloria Naylor
I disagree. The three limit per hour cap is simply too few. Yes we could continue upon the forum, but I would hardly call that as relevant a connection with the image. ~Dave Barry, "Your Disintegrating Body," Dave Barry Turns 40, 1990
want to ride mcbain to clinton for 1st try is west to east the way to go and how long should that take ~Author Unknown
We are interested in doing the DNR Katy Trail Ride next June.My sister Charlotte Lazzeroni and brother-in-law Jim want us to do it with them. ~Dan Bennett
For example I was thinking on setting up a resizer & cropper for making it fit your desktop resolution in a better way. ~John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994
Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher's mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again. ~Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby, 1968
A father carries pictures where his money used to be. ~Author Unknown
I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home earlier. ~Dan Bennett
There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself. ~John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994
...the rest of my comment was cut off. If anyone has traveled from Kirkwood to Sedalia on the train with a toddler trailer I would be interested to hear about your experience. Thanks to everyone for their previous input. ~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Virginibus Puerisque II," Virginibus Puerisque, 1881
Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. ~Charles Schulz
Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. ~Tom Wilson
I like that idea. Maybe having a more accurate time stamp on tag changes as well? I'm always looking at the tag changes list, so it would be nice to know how long ago changes were made. Maybe a time stamp similar to the ones used for posts and comments in addition to the date the change was made. ~Dinah Craik
Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever. ~Don Marquis
If Kona were to get a new logo, it would have to be a original character, not some well know one. ~Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby, 1968

...the rest of my comment was cut off. If anyone has traveled from Kirkwood to Sedalia on the train with a toddler trailer I would be interested to hear about your experience. Thanks to everyone for their previous input. ~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Virginibus Puerisque II," Virginibus Puerisque, 1881
Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. ~Author Unknown
Thank you Shuugo for your consideration, if it came across as such then I apologize, but I was not meaning that the site is being run wrong, far from it. And at the very least, it's not my site to begin with. ~Ogden Nash
Thanks to modern medical advances such as antibiotics, nasal spray, and Diet Coke, it has become routine for people in the civilized world to pass the age of 40, sometimes more than once. ~Dave Barry, "Your Disintegrating Body," Dave Barry Turns 40, 1990
I invite you all to come and talk in the IRC channel. ~George Bernard Shaw
He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland
You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. ~Ogden Nash
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~Lucille Ball
In childhood, we yearn to be grown-ups. In old age, we yearn to be kids. It just seems that all would be wonderful if we didn't have to celebrate our birthdays in chronological order. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
To start with the easy to use rating system. Starting at 100%(or 0) with up and down voting. ~Author Unknown
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
could be implemented on client side via html5 canvas. i tried, but the only problem is easy to use interface. screen size and actual workspace size are available for script. ~Author Unknown
My wife and i are looking to backpack the kt can any one tell give an idea as to the miles between tows a rough guide would do and is it to hot to hike the trail in Aug ~Author Unknown
It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't. ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~Lucille Ball
Youth is a disease from which we all recover. ~Dorothy Fulheim
Ignoring the fact it is 99% NSFW and full of furry pics.. It is very rare that a site scales perfectly and I like the way it presents the pictures. ~Lydia M. Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys." ~Harmon Killebrew
Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. ~Sam Ewing
Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. ~Charles Schulz
My wife and i are looking to backpack the kt can any one tell give an idea as to the miles between tows a rough guide would do and is it to hot to hike the trail in Aug ~Author Unknown
I called and spoke to the AMTRAK reservation/information line and when I asked about traveling with a toddler trailer, they had never been asked such a question. They said I could take the item boxed as long as the dimensions of the box did not exceed 22"x28"x14" and did not weigh more than 50 lbs. ~Don Marquis
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name. ~William Wordsworth
Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. ~Truman Capote
No, I entirely understand your position, having been a forum moderator in the past myself. As such, I am 'not' advocating for the removal of that lock, simply an increase in its limit. ~Sam Ewing
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. ~Johann Schiller
Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~Author Unknown
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name. ~William Wordsworth
I invite you all to come and talk in the IRC channel. ~George Bernard Shaw
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